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Our membership is small because PTBA stands for quality over quantity—maintaining a high level of professionalism in our members helps continue PTBA’s excellent reputation.

Skills for All Trails


PTBA contractor members have built countless miles of trails and trail facilities.  Most likely, if you are a trail user, you have recently walked on a trail built by a PTBA member.

Quality Trailbuilding Since 1976


Founded in 1976, the PTBA is North America’s largest private sector group of trail specialists, professional trail contractors, designers, and consultants.


Solicit Your Trail Contract
PTBA has over 80 highly qualified members that are eager to bid on your unique trail project. Our members are experts in a variety of skills including Design/Build projects, Hybrid Contracting, and training in a multitude of trail specific skills. Soliciting our members is the best way to ensure a quality trail at the best price.
Find a Quality Trail Contractor
Experts in trail planning, design, construction, design/build, maintenance, training, and consulting work with all government, non-profit, and private entities to craft quality trail projects. Our members are flexible, versatile, mobile, and proud of their work. If you haven’t already, see a few samples of their work.
Apply for PTBA Membership
PTBA provides working support for trailbuilders, helps to raise the level of trailbuilding professionalism, acts as a unified voice for trailbuilders, provides opportunities to meet with agency representatives, and more. To ensure that all members are professional-level trail contractors, new members must be sponsored by an existing member.
Find the Best Equipment & Resources
PTBA maintains ever-growing information resources in this website. Info on trail contracting, trail book reviews, sources for trail equipment and supplies, links to other agencies and information, and even a list of trail workers seeking jobs and trail jobs available.